We’re located in the Twin Arch (Weis / TJ Maxx) shopping center in Mount Airy. As you come into the parking lot, we’re situated to the right of CVS.

Twin Arch Shopping Center.
1001 Twin Arch Rd,
Mount Airy, Maryland 21771.

(301) 829-4008.

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From the West / From Frederick: I-70 East to Rt 27 North (Exit 68). 1.5 miles to Right on Twin Arch Rd. Turn left into shopping center – we are in far corner, next to CVS.

From the East / From Baltimore: I-70 West to Rt 27 North (Exit 68). 1.5 miles to Right on Twin Arch Rd. Turn left into shopping center – we are in far corner, next to CVS.

From the North / From Westminster, Pennsylvania: Take Rt 27 South to Mt Airy, turn Left on Twin Arch Rd. Turn Left into shopping center – we are in far corner, next to CVS.

From the South / From Washington DC, Montgomery Co (I-270 North / Rt 355 North): Take Rt 27 North, 1.5 miles after I-70, turn Right to Twin Arch Rd. Turn left into shopping center – we are in far corner, next to CVS.

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Twin Arch Shopping Center.
1001 Twin Arch Rd,
Mount Airy, Maryland 21771
(301) 829-4008

Mon – Sat: 10 – 6
Sunday: 11 – 4

E-mail Us: [email protected]
